Embedding longer videos in edublogs

I’ve been asked about embedding longer videos in edublogs – this one is 30mins long and the file is 203MB – I’m going to test out if publishing this by embedding the HTML will work.

It would appear that using the HTML allows longer videos, I think videos are limited when you are adding them as media files to the post, rather than embedding.

Edublogs Q & A Tookit – Embedding EE projects in Edublogs

This video steps you through the process for posting Explain Everything projects on edublogs.


This is an example of an ee project embedded into an edublogs post.



Edublogs Q & A Toolkit – Getting started

Some of the key questions that have come through for this toolkit are around getting started with edublogs.

A few useful links for you:

The Effective Blogging Systems site is also where you can find the twitterfeeds for the clusters across the Manaiakalani programme. This is a great way to get ideas of things your students could be sharing on their blogs.

This site here is the PLD site for the Manaiakalani Cluster in Tamaki, Auckland and also has some great getting started content for edublogs, and this section has great first steps for learners who are new to edublogs.

Tuhi mai, Tuhi atu is a great way to get your students blogging with an authetic audience. We are using our class blogging platform to build powerful connections across schools in The Manaiakalani Programme. Tui Mai Tuhi Atu empowers our young people to learn to be Cybersmart through leaving quality blog comments and engaging in online behaviour and thinking that elevates positive actions.

Embedding from Explain Everything

This post is my first attempt at embedding an explain everything project onto my blog from my iPad. It is a success!

Embedding Youtube playlists into edublogs posts

Once you have created your playlist in edublogs, it’s simple to share this on your blog. All you need to do is hit the share button underneath your playlist in YouTube, and click embed <> Copy the HTML, and then on your blog post, go into the text editor, and paste in your embed code. Hey presto there’s your playlist!

Check out this playlist – do you think it will help me become a millionaire?

Embedding Drawings with links

A conversation arose in the DFI today around embedding Google Drawings into edublogs which contain links. The image below of the kowhai contains a link to a page in a site, if opened from within the drawing itself, or if embedded into a Google Site. However we have discovered that this link does not function when embedded into an edublogs post.

But, we’ve come up with a work around (thanks Fiona Grant for this idea!). When embedding Google slides into an edublogs post, the links still function, so if we use a Google Slide deck, with just one slide, and remove the play/move to the next slide from the frame, we can use these slides to hold our drawings and have links within them.

One way we can do this is by using this HTML replacing the red text with the URL to your slides

<iframe height=”600″ src=”https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16G6Y3NB2QcLGiQVWhUG890Xt_Be6zMzeCU3Hb7SjOI0/preview?rm=minimal” width=”400″> 



You can then adjust the height and width to suit your content and you can see this in the example below.